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How To Make The Most Out Of PRP Treatments for Hair Loss

How To Make The Most Out Of PRP Treatments for Hair Loss

It’s necessarily important for one to ensure that they get the best out of the PRP treatment after a hair loss treatment. It is also prior important to seek treatment as soon as you notice your hair start to thin or come off. Early treatment for hair loss is always beneficial for it can help reduce the amount of hair loss. It also increases the chances of a complete and successful treatment.

This is the reason why Look Young clinic encourages you to visit their clinics as soon as you notice any symptom of hair loss, however, minute it might seem. If we ignore the small signs, the outcome might be catastrophic and before you know it, almost all your hair might come off.

The hair loss disease comes as a surprise to some but some might see it coming. One of the biggest causes of hair loss is stress. This issue faces all people in the world. Stress causes growth retardation of hair and weakens the follicles. This results in the shedding of the hair. During the stress periods, the body releases some hormones which cause retarded growth. If stress proceeds for long, the hair won’t grow as well.

In the PRP Treatment Clinic in Delhi, our specialists have to draw your blood and then spin it in a centrifuge. The reason why the blood is spun is to separate out the red blood cells out of the platelets rich plasma. Platelet-rich plasma utilizes the platelets and growth factors from your own blood to stimulate hair growth. The plasma is then siphoned into syringes and injected into the scalp. The growth factors within PRP encourages healing and stimulate the hair follicle to begin a new growth cycle.

To attain the best results, the patients will have to undergo a minimum of 3 or 4 sessions of the PRP treatment. During these sessions, patients are injected with several intradermal injections containing the PRP into their scalps. The injections are placed at an interval of 4 weeks to give each medication/injection time to do its work. The sequel injections will continue for about half a year or so. After the treatment, the patients have an appointment with our professional specialists for an evaluation after which determinations are done whether to continue treatment or not. If the treatment has not fully taken its course, we recommend patients to visit our clinics after every 4 months for hair regrowth treatments. In this manner, we are sure of successful results. Look Young Clinic offers this treatment at very affordable prices.

  • Published on
  • September 27, 2019
  • By
  • Look Young Clinic

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