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What is Vitiligo? Best Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi

What is vitiligo

Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi Vitiligo is an illness whereby the skin pigment cells are destroyed in some parts of the body resulting in what looks like white patches. The cells which are destroyed are called melanocytes. They are the cells responsible for giving your skin the tone or color. The skin is subjected to fading slowly by slowly till the color is completely lost. In most people, vitiligo appears in different parts of the body but in some, it can be localized in one area.

Vitiligo can affect any part of your body including the face, stomach, legs, hands, and others. According to studies done by many scientists, vitiligo has no definite cause. It is believed to be an autoimmune condition. This means that the body uses its immune system to unintentionally or by mistake attack specific cells in the body. By this case, we are talking about melanocytes.

A high percentage of Vitiligo victims begins to show the signs at the age of late 30s and only a few of them show these signs when they are younger. To those people suffering from vitiligo, they can confirm that it is not painful. Currently, there is no possible way of determining if vitiligo will remain localized or will spread to the other parts of the body in the victims. Some of vitiligo cases are genetically related. It is possible for vitiligo to be present in the gene of certain people hence running in a given family. This means that it can be inherited from parents to offspring. In order to determine if someone has vitiligo, you will see white patches in different parts of their body like the genitals, the ears, the navel, around the mouth and so on. Doctors might take blood tests to know if you have vitiligo or not.

Treatment for vitiligo

We have different treatments for vitiligo depending on the intensity of patches on your skin and the victim preference. Do we have a cure for vitiligo? Currently, there is no known complete cure for vitiligo but scientists are on it. Look Young Clinic offers you various types of vitiligo treatment in Delhi. There are three main types of treatment namely; Use of drugs/medications, Therapy treatment, and Surgery. All these treatments are focused on retrieving your lost skin pigment or color. Let’s get a glimpse of what Look Young Clinic has to offer as far as the best treatment for vitiligo is concerned. The victims get a chance to discuss with our specialist what the best treatment would be for them.

  • Use of drugs or Medication

Some patients prefer using drugs that they swallow. Others apply creams that helps in if not get their skin color back, get the skin tone back. Other medications like ointments with a component called tacrolimus are used. These ointments work in conjunction with Ultraviolet light. They are meant to alt the immune system and help those with less depigmentation.

  • Therapy treatments

In this case, the common therapy is photo-chemotherapy. It is used in condition with a medication you take orally after which you are exposed to UV light. For better outcomes, repeated therapies are recommended,

  • Surgery

Surgery is usually recommended if the disease is widely spread and other treatments have failed to slow it down. Removing the remaining colored skin is one type of surgery. The specialist applies a depigmenting solution which helps discolor the unaffected area. In this case, the skin looks the same now. Another type of surgery is where a doctor removes some parts of your colored skin and attaches it to areas affected by vitiligo. This best applies if you have a small region affected. The other famous surgical treatment for vitiligo is micro-pigmentation. Here, our specialists inject the infected areas with a pigment to help your skin get color. This works best for lips.

In the future, scientists are intending to make better treatments that could possibly cure vitiligo. An example is one that triggers the production of Melanocytes. In the meantime, visit our clinics today for the best vitiligo treatment in Delhi.

  • Published on
  • September 17, 2019
  • By
  • Look Young Clinic

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